Winter Hair Card

Winter Hair Card

Winter in the Lowcountry is, admittedly, mild. However, we do get some weeks of low temps and low humidity. Most of us jump for joy at the low humidity as it tames our frizzy locks! Unfortunately, it can also aggravate it by drying our hair out too much. Keep reading for some helpful hints on how to care for winter hair, even a Lowcountry winter!
1. Dry heat and cold weather sap hair of moisture. And since dry hair breaks more easily, the most important thing you can do during the cold months is to condition regularly with a moisturizing conditioner and maybe even a weekly or monthly deep conditioner. Keeping hair conditioned will help to prevent static electricity too, which is more apt to happen in winter.

2. As I’ve said in previous blogs, I don’t recommend shampooing every day! Every other day or even every two days is probably fine for most people, especially in the winter! And don’t use hot water! It’s extremely drying to hair and skin!

3. Using heating tools, a blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron, etc…also dries hair out so try to use them less in the winter..

4. Protect your hair from the cold. If you are going to be outside, especially in extreme temperatures or wind, accessorize with a scarf or hat to protect your hair from the elements. Helpful hack… Rub the inside of your hat with a dryer sheet before you put it on. Not only does it help keep the static down but your hair will smell spring fresh!

5. Trim hair more often if necessary. Sometime despite all our efforts, hair may split more easily in winter. Check out my June blog “Lowdown on split ends” to see what could happen!

Have a Sparkling winter!